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4 05 2010

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Buy Referrals in ClockPay.net!!! (0.1 cents)

4 05 2010

We have listened to our many members who have requested the option to buy > referrals in ClockPay.net so now you can! As you know by now, having > referrals in our referral program is key to making more money on a daily > basis with ClockPay.net. When you buy referrals from us you get non referred > members permanently placed in your downline! That´s right, you are not only > “renting” these referrals but you get to keep them and earn from them
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Iklan PPC

3 05 2010


19 03 2010


The First Week Of Your New Blog – What Do You Do? I like

19 03 2010

I’m halfway through writing it (I’m hoping it’ll be useful to established bloggers starting second blogs too) already and have a heap of content written but thought it might be good to include a few reader and Twitter follower tips scattered through it as well.

I’m not so much looking for tips on Pre-Launch stuff like getting a domain, choosing a blog platform etc – I’m more looking for short tips on taking a blog that is set up to being an active blog.

So if you have any tips for bloggers starting out – I’d love to see them in comments below. I won’t be able to use them all but those I do I’ll certainly credit back with a link to your blog.

All I’d suggest is that you try to keep your tips relatively short and to the point as I’ll be using these as short snippets at the end of my posts.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

How to Know When A Post from Your Blog is Submitted to Digg

19 03 2010

It basically entails searching or URLfor you digg and then subscribing to the RSS feed of that search. Sometimes it’s the simplest tips that are the best ones.

Why would you want to know if your post has been submitted? Well for starters it’s interesting to know what your readers think is Diggable – but it can also help you to give the Digging a little extra help by adding a digg button or link to the Digg page in question so that your readers can give it a kick along.

What’s the Lowdown on Digg Bait? or blogger

19 03 2010

for it to be classified as “Digg bait” it really has to appeal to the community and it has to incite a passionate response from the users, whether the response be good or bad.”

Love them or hate them – but Digg users are a passionate lot (or many of them are). There’s something about their youthful exuberance that can make them either love you or hate them in a way that can send a blogger to ‘cloud nine’ or to the depths of despair.

“But Digg tends to become like crack for many writers and after they get on Digg once, there is an intense desire to try to keep getting on Digg. It is here that writers often start disregarding their loyal readers, start pandering to Digg, and run into trouble.”

I think this (and the following comments that Muhammad makes) is key. I’ve seen numerous bloggers go to the Dark Digg Side – lured by the temptation of tens of thousands of visitors in short spaces of time and writing posts that really don’t fit with their topic or help their current readers in an attempt to make the front page. My approach is that the vast majority of your posts should be written with your current reader in mind. Look after them – provide a community for them – give them useful content. While doing this there will be opportunities to write content with a broader appeal – but even then you will need to keep it on topic and appealing to your readership.

“Writing for Digg is actually less about substance and more about how you present the content – in other words, copywriting.”

This doesn’t mean you can’t have a post with substance that is diggable – but it does mean you need to pay particular attention to the form that you write in, your title and even the layout of the post.

I think some of Muhammad’s other points about a core and peripheral audience are great – use social media sites like Digg to expand your horizons and grow your audience – but keep your core readers right in your focus.

As with any other aspect of a blog – become obsessed with Digg and you’ll get things out of balance

ProBlogger Launches PayPerTweet online

19 03 2010

Over the last two years Twitter has grown exponentially in its use by tens of millions of people around the world. Even ProBlogger’s founder Darren Rowse is http://www.twitter.com With millions now using Twitter on a daily basis its only natural that companies and individuals would wish to have a presence on Twitter. We’re already seeing companies start their own Twitter accounts but increasingly we’ve been approaches by companies and individuals looking to be mentioned in Twitter streams in return for compensation.

Along side this an increasing number of Twitter users have become frustrated that despite having accumulated tens of thousands of followers on Twitter that they’ve so far had little success at monetizing their ‘followership’.

Enter ProBlogger’s ‘PayPerTweet’ service.

Establish a Twitter Presence in no time.

PayPerTweet delivers online word of mouth marketing, brand building and traffic generation through one of the world’s largest consumer generated advertising community and marketplace.
Twitter Users

Monetize Your Tweets.

Get paid for tweeting. Write about web sites, products, services, and companies and earn cash for providing your opinion and valuable feedback to advertisers. Disclosure not required – (but we might change this later).
Earn Extra Cash by ReTweeting

Opportunities will exist in the coming weeks for our ‘ReTweet’ program whereby Twitter users help messages to go viral for advertisers by joining together to ReTweet the paid Tweets of others. This of course adds value for advertisers but also earns gets you more Buck for your Tweet.

Already we have secured the cooperation of 50 prominent Twitter users with a combined followership of 250,000. This group is willing to tweet about you, your site or your product for cash.

Payment is on a CPMF basis – (Cost Per Thousand Follower). Please enquire for prices.

Ten Tips for writing a blog post ideal blog

19 03 2010

Here are ten tips that help me with my blog writing.

1. Make your opinion known
2. Link like crazy
3. Write less
4. 250 Words is enough
5. Make Headlines snappy
6. Write with passion
7. Include Bullet point lists
8. Edit your post
9. Make your posts easy to scan
10. Be consistent with your style
11. Litter the post with keywords

1. Make your opinion known
People like blogs, they like blogs because they are written by people and not corporations. People want to know what people think, crazy as it sounds they want to know what you think. Tell them exactly what you think using the least amount of words possible.

2. Link like crazy.
Support your post with links to other web pages that are contextual to your post.

3. Write Less
Give the maximum amount of information with the least amount of words. Time is finite and people are infinitely busy. Blast your knowledge into the reader at the speed of sound.

4. 250 is enough
A long post is easier to forget and harder to get into. A short post is the opposite.

5. Make Headlines snappy
Contain your whole argument in your headline. Check out National newspapers to see how they do it.

6. Include bullet point lists
We all love lists, it structures the info in an easily digestible format.

7. Make your posts easy to scan
Every few paragraphs insert a sub heading. Make sentences and headlines short and to the point.

8. Be consistent with your style
People like to know what to expect, once you have settled on a style for your audience stick to it.

9. Litter the post with Keywords.
Think about what keywords people would use to search for your post and include them in the body text and headers. make sure the keyword placement is natural and does not seem out of place.

10. Edit your post
Good writing is in the editing. Before you hit the submit button, re-read your post and cut out the stuff that you don’t need.

I hope you enjoyed my tips for writing a blog post – feel free to share your own blog writing tips below.


19 03 2010

Menutup sebelah mata terhadap bisnis receh internet ini? Boleh jadi kamu adalah orang yang agak pesimis, penuh curiga atau tidak punya waktu banyak. Well, meski demikian sah-sah saja buat kamu yang tidak begitu yakin terhadap bisnis jenis ini. Tapi tunggu dulu, coba dilahap dibaca dulu postingan ini sampai habis, baru ambil keputusan.

PTC adalah singkatan dari Pay To Click, yang secara sederhana berarti kita akan dibayar setiap kali meng-klik sebuah iklan selama jangka waktu tertentu (biasanya 30 detik). Program ini mungkin hampir sama dengan cara kerja PTR (Pay To Read). Tetapi, maraknya program-program PTC belakangan ini, membuat PTR menjadi kalah populer (ini opini saya loh).

(Penjelasan lain tentang PTC bisa kamu lihat di web master Cosa disini <– ini sumber inspirasinya, merci)

Pada dasarnya, PTC adalah salah satu jawaban instan atas kebutuhan traffic berbiaya murah dari sebuah situs yang biasanya berbasis jualan produk untuk meningkatkan penghasilan mereka. Terlepas dari faktor berkualitas/tidaknya sumber traffic tersebut, yang jelas hingga kini masih banyak pemasang iklan yang menggunakan jasa PTC demi mendapatkan traffic dengan harga yang sangat murah. Bayangkan saja, traffic rata-rata dijual hanya dengan harga $0.01/hits visitor.

Sekarang sudah ngerti kan apa itu PTC? Oke, lanjut kita ke bagian selanjutnya.

Untuk mendapatkan traffic yang berasal dari unique ip, para pemilik PTC mengundang orang-orang (baca : kita) untuk bergabung dan membayar setiap kali kita melihat iklan yang mereka sediakan. Biasanya harga per klik yang ditawarkan adalah $0.01 (bisa lebih kecil). Terlalu receh kecil? Jangan pesimis dulu. Saya punya itung-itungannya buat disimak.

Perolehan Pada Hari pertama saya bergabung di PTC :

Program PTC yang saya ikuti :

1. DailyClicks = jumlah klik 40 x. Earning $0.4 , waktu yang dihabiskan 40 x 0.5 menit = 20 menit

2. Titanclicks = jumlah kik 8 x. Earning $0.0425 , waktu yang dihabiskan 8 x 0.5 menit = 4 menit

3. Advercash = jumlah klik 8 x. Earning $0.055 , waktu yang dihabiskan 8 x 0.5 menit = 4 menit

4. BuxTo = jumlah klik 34 x. Earning $0.43 (termasuk bonus signup $0.1), waktu yang dihabiskan 34 x 0.5 menit = 17 menit

5. AdBux = jumlah klik 5 x. Earning $0.15 (termasuk bonus signup $0.1), waktu yang dihabiskan 5 x 0.5 menit = 2.5 menit

6. TurboBux = jumlah klik 3 x. Earning $0.025 , waktu yang dihabiskan 3 x 0.5 menit = 1.5 menit

7. Click4Coins = jumlah klik 8x. Earning $3.08 (termasuk bonus signup $3), waktu yang dihabiskan 8 x 0.5 menit = 4 menit

Program-program diatas saya pilih diantara banyak sekali PTC lain karena mereka sudah terbukti membayar (baca ; so far so good) dan masih eksis hingga saat ini. Oke, sekarang kita lihat kalkulasi data diatas di hari pertama bergabung :

Jumlah program : 7 buah, jumlah klik : 106, jumlah earning : $4.1825 = $4.18, waktu terbuang : 53 menit + tetek bengek (load halaman, klik gagal, dsb) = 90 menit.

Penghasilan di hari kedua (24 jam sesudahnya), jika program berjalan baik alias menampilkan jumlah iklan yang sama, maka jumlah pendapatan kita adalah :

Total earning hari pertama – bonus signup = $4.18-$3.2 = $0.98/hari x 29 hari (+earning hari pertama sebesar $.4.18) = $32.6

Gimana, lumayan ga sih uang $32.6 sebulan dengan hanya menghabiskan waktu kurang dari 2 jam setiap hari? Cukup buat bayar ongkos internet dan beli rokok kan?

Oke, kalau masih kurang cukup, saya ingin melakukan penawaran nih. Bagi siapa saja yang mendaftar lewat reff saya (ikut melalui link diatas), maka saya akan memberikan bonus sebanyak Rp. 30,000 untuk setiap 500 klik yang kamu lakukan (ngelirik om Cosa 😛 , saya nge-bid lebih tinggi niy Om, biar lebih semangat ajah) .

Itung-itungannya, jika setiap hari kamu ngeklik sebanyak 75 kali, maka dalam waktu 30 hari akan terklik kurang lebih sebanyak 2250 kali. Artinya saya akan memberikan bonus sebanyak Rp. 120.000 dari 2000 klik, sisanya sebanyak 250 klik disimpen dulu sampai genap 500 klik baru dibayar lagi. Itung sendiri ya berapa total penghasilan yang akan kamu dapatkan setiap bulan.

Tapi tunggu dulu, kamu masih bisa ningkatin penghasilan kamu dengan cara meng-upgrade acc kamu atau membeli reff meski cara ini tidak saya anjurkan. Cara yang saya anjurkan adalah mencari reff sendiri tanpa membeli karena resiko kerugian bisa diminimalisir. Cara mencari reff? Tar deh saya bahas di postingan yang lain. Sementara ini daftar dulu aja melalui link yang ada diatas, mikirnya jangan lama-lama 😛

So gimana? Bernafsu untuk mencobanya?

p.s : perhitungan diatas adalah perhitungan kasar yang bisa saja keliru. penawaran dari saya hanya berlaku jika program tersebut masih terbukti membayar dan tidak scam. bagi yang mendaftar melalui reff saya, silahkan tinggalkan comment untuk melakukan request pembayaran jika jumlah minimal klik sudah terlampaui. kalo ada pertanyaan/masukkan/kutukan silahkan posting di comment. thx – kuburan –